Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Textiles of the most desirable

The fashion industry is full of newer types of tissues, some 'artificial. Good for a large sample of fashion, but in a regular session, we prefer the use of natural materials. And what is more logical, then, Harris Tweed?

Harris Tweed (so that industry), for the first time in the 19th century, made - hand-woven from the very beginning to today. Has a great history and a wide scope of fashion. There are many manufacturers of clothing in the UK, but probably notsuch as the famous Harris Tweed.

The definition of Harris Tweed Harris Tweed Act proposed (1993) argues that es''paño that it was the hand by the islanders of Lewis, Harris, weaving in their homes, with pure wool, dyed and woven in the outer Hebrides. "Since only some elements of this definition has changed.

The document was written specifically to ensure that all clothing authentic Harris Tweed Orb symbol certified. The Harris Tweed can onlyFabric of the outer islands to the west of Scotland, the Hebrides. Everyone Weber, Harris Tweed Authority, the British must sign the attendance agree that the thread woven by hand.

The name was not initially wool. The original fue''''sarga when the substance has been woven in a twill. We call it differently just by chance. E 'misleading for the merchants of London, as telling the traditional story. Almost two centuries before the trader at the letter material "Tweel"is produced in Scotland, but wrongly interpreted the letter of understanding that a company is taken from the name of the river Tweed. The name of the left today.

How it all began? In 1846, Lady Dunmore, widow of the late Earl of Dunmore, the weavers of Harris Tweed Scottish Murray had copied. This proved so successful that Lady Dunmore devoted much time and thought into the marketing of wool to your friends and thus improve production. This wasStart the Harris Tweed industry.

Harris Tweed is made from 100 percent pure wool. Now the wool from different countries can be imported, but all of Harris Tweed Hand-woven by the weavers in their own home, finished in the Outer Hebrides. Only in factories, usually the same whether the material for kilts and blankets are horizontal.

Harris Tweed Textiles now more convenient, there are all over the known world and appreciated byMovie stars and one of the biggest concerns of sport, Nike.

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